Day 51

 The shot is still inconsistent.  But the progress is definitely there.

Sometimes I miss like almost 10 in a row, but when I catch that feeling, I make 6-7 in a row easily.  A few days ago I shot 61 out of 100. But the next day I made only 47.  

Today, I started out poorly and somehow managed to end first 50 attempts with 23 makes.  And then I got to 40 of 80.  The final 20 was amazing.  I hit 17 of the 20.  I have made 8 or 9 of 10 before but I don't think I hit 17 of 20 before.  Anyways, when I get it going, I'm good.  It's just that the new shot is still not natural to me, so I have to keep reminding myself of some points while shooting.  

이제 두달 지났다. 연습때 70% 넣는 슈터가 되지 않은 것에 짜증나려 할때도 있지만 두달만에 그렇게 쉽게 얻어지는 것이라면 누구나 다 하겠지. 하루하루 몇개 넣는가에 집중하지 않고 그냥 꾸준히 이렇게 매일 한시간 이상씩 하면 머지않아 놀라운 3점슈터가 되어있을것이라 믿는다. 

우선 힘을 들이지 않고 3점라인 밖에서 던지는게 가능해졌기 때문에 정확도만 조금 늘리면 된다. 인내심을 갖고 열심히 하자!
